Caixa está liberando 4 NOVOS benefícios em junho: veja se VOCÊ vai receber! Confira os novos benefícios disponíveis para você!

The Caixa Econômica Federal is set to release four new benefits in June, providing support to Brazilian citizens during these challenging times. These benefits are aimed at improving the quality of life and providing financial assistance to those in need. Let’s dive into each of these benefits to see if you are eligible to receive them.


One of the benefits being offered by Caixa in June is the Seed program. This program aims to provide financial support to individuals who are looking to start or expand their own small business. If you have a business idea that you’ve been wanting to launch, the Seed program could be the perfect opportunity for you. It offers funding and resources to help entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground.

Saque Aniversário do FGTS

O Saque Aniversário do FGTS is another benefit being released by Caixa this month. This program allows workers to withdraw a portion of the available balance in their Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) account. The withdrawals are made annually, on the worker’s birthday month. It’s important to note that signing up for the Saque Aniversário do FGTS is not automatic, so make sure to express your interest and formalize your request through the FGTS app.

Bolsa Família

The Bolsa Família program is the largest income distribution program in Brazil and is also one of the benefits offered by Caixa in June. This program targets low-income families who meet specific criteria, such as having a monthly income of up to R$218 per capita and being enrolled in CadÚnico. Beneficiaries will receive payments from June 17th to June 28th, with bonuses included for specific family members.

Auxílio Gás

The Auxílio Gás benefit is a social program for those with a monthly income of up to half a minimum wage per capita and are registered in CadÚnico. This benefit is paid every two months, with the last payment made in April. In June, beneficiaries will receive a payment of R$102, based on the average price of cooking gas over the last six months.


Lastly, the PIS and PASEP benefits are offered to both public and private sector workers. Private sector employees receive PIS through Caixa Econômica Federal, while public sector employees receive their benefits through Banco do Brasil. Those who meet the eligibility criteria will receive up to a minimum wage per year. In June, employees born in July and August will receive their deposits on June 17th, available for withdrawal until December 27, 2024.

Perguntas Frequentes

– Quem pode participar do Saque Aniversário do FGTS?
– Quais são os critérios para receber o Bolsa Família?
– Como posso me inscrever no Auxílio Gás?
– Quais são os requisitos para receber o PIS/PASEP?
– Quando serão feitos os pagamentos dos benefícios em junho?
– Como posso verificar se tenho direito a esses benefícios?

Com essas informações, você poderá verificar se você é elegível para os benefícios oferecidos pela Caixa em junho. Certifique-se de estar dentro das regras e não perca a oportunidade de receber esse suporte financeiro que pode fazer a diferença em sua vida. Contate a Caixa para mais informações e aproveite esses programas para melhorar sua qualidade de vida.